Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 12:53 PM
Glossary: Horizontal Issues

Proposed Amendments to European Commission Proposal:European Fund for Strategic Investments 2.0

by Admin EASPD - Tuesday, 23 April 2019, 9:24 AM


The European Commission proposed on 14th September 2016 a Regulation to extend the duration of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), as well as the introduction of technical enhancements for that Fund and the European Investment Advisory Hub. In this policy paper, EASPD proposes certain improvements to the European Commission's proposal which may help to unlock the EFSI for the social services sector.




Public Procurement Directive

by Admin EASPD - Monday, 12 February 2018, 12:17 PM

It is a directive on the awarding of contracts for public works and for the purchase of goods and services by the public authorities of the European Union (EU) and its member states.




Public Procurement for Social Progress. A Social Platform Guide to the EU Public Procurement Directive

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 12 February 2018, 12:30 PM


This guide is aimed at supporting member state representatives in the transposition of the directive and contracting authorities in its implementation. It also intends to facilitate the understanding of the Directive by social economy enterprises and non-profit social and health service providers.




Quality in Social Public Services. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

by Veneta Kuyova - Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 3:48 PM


This report examines the impact of quality improvement initiatives on both services to clients and working conditions. It represents a synthesis of studies from field research in ten EU Member States with supplementary research from the remaining five.




Quality Management in Vocational Training. The use of Standards and their Different Applications

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 12 February 2018, 12:42 PM


This document seeks to disseminate new tendencies and routes as well as in the dissemination of good practices. It intends to reveal what is going on and to call the attention on the characteristics that quality management trends are showing regarding training.




Quality of Life and its Measurement: Important Principles and Guidelines. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 26 February 2018, 2:45 PM


This article discusses the principles that should guide the measurement process, the major interrogatories (i.e. who, what, when, where, why, and how) of quality of life (QOL) measurement, issues and procedures in the cross-cultural measurement of QOL, and the current uses of QOL data.  Based on the above methods, the article presents a number of important guidelines regarding QOL measurement. 




Quality of Life and Public Services - Local Area Aspects of Quality of Life: An illustrated Framework

by Admin EASPD - Thursday, 9 May 2019, 11:14 AM


This working paper offers a conceptual framework to explore the ‘local area dimensions of quality of life’. It takes a comprehensive approach, providing a framework applicable to all types of areas in the EU, whether they are rural or urban, affluent or deprived. The paper aims to inform policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders, including those involved in developing measurement frameworks.




Quality of Life as a Change Agent

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 12 February 2018, 2:36 PM


The purpose of this paper is to describe how the quality of life concept for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities has influenced policies and practices within the field and has become a framework for organization and systems change.




QualityRights materials for training, guidance and transformation

by Admin EASPD - Monday, 2 December 2019, 3:38 PM

As part of the QualityRights Initiative, WHO has developed a comprehensive package of training and guidance materials. The materials can be used to build capacity among mental health practitioners, people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, people using mental health services, families, care partners and other supporters, nongovernmental organizations, organizations of persons with disabilities and others on how to implement a human rights and recovery approach in the area of mental health in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other international human rights standards.

The ultimate goal of WHO’s QualityRights is to change mindsets and practices in a sustainable way and empower all stakeholders to promote rights and recovery in order to improve the lives of people with psychosocial, intellectual or cognitive disabilities everywhere.

Find it here.


Raport Privind Monitorizarea Drepturilor Persoanelor cu Dizabilitati in

by Admin EASPD - Thursday, 11 April 2019, 5:24 PM


The present Report has as its main aim monitoring of legislation, policies and programs related to the observance of human rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova in the context of ratification by the Republic of Moldova of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted as of December 13, 2006.

