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Electronic Employers Guide for the Effective Integration of Persons with Disabilities

by Veneta Kuyova - Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 5:12 PM


This Employers’ Guide establishes guidelines for employers interested in hiring people with disabilities. The Guide presents what employers have to address to fully include and involve persons with disabilities into their company. It also shows what added value companies can gain from hiring people with disabilities.



Employment for All - 10 Best Practices on Employment Strategies for Persons with Disabilities

by Admin EASPD - Friday, 19 April 2019, 4:27 PM


This document aims at reflecting the 10 best practices on employment strategies for persons with disabilities. Its goal is to prove employers and social services organisations that it is not only possible to find employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, but it is also easier than one might think.



Employment of Disadvantaged People in Slovakia

by Admin EASPD - Thursday, 18 January 2018, 12:36 PM


Based on statistical findings, this paper presents the state of employment for disabled people in Slovakia  as well as employment in the labour market. Employment opportunities in the open labor market for disabled people are very limited due to the lack of motivating setting legislation.


Engelli Bireylerin Etikn İstihdami icin - İsverenler rehberi -

by Veneta Kuyova - Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 4:42 PM


Hazırlanan bu rehber, istihdam edilen engellinin is yerine tam bir sekilde dahil edilmesi için isverenin dikkate alması gerekenleri anlatır ve bunları yerine getirdigi taktirde elde edecegi katma degerler hakkında bilgi verir. Bu rehber, engellilerin istihdam ve is hayatına entegrasyonunun saglanması için genel bir çerçeve sunar. Isverenlere ne zaman, nasıl ve ne çesit uygulamalar yapması ile ilgili bilgiler sunar. Tabii ki bu rehberdeki uygulamarın basarısı, ilgili her bir  urumda ortaya çıkan degisken faktörler ve nceliklerle yakından iliskilidir.


European Semester: Developing More Inclusive Labour Markets for All?

by Admin EASPD - Friday, 19 April 2019, 4:41 PM


This report looks into why the European Semester should look further into the employment rates of persons with disabilities (and disadvantaged groups as a whole) and which measures should be taken at national level to improve the current situation where too many persons with disabilities are excluded from the labour market. 


Click here.



From Empowerment to Success

by Admin EASPD - Thursday, 11 April 2019, 4:14 PM

This video presents some success stories in the employment of people with disabilities. The aim of this video is to motivate people with disabilities to believe in their potential and to be a positive example. This video is subtitled in English.



Good Practice Catalogue

by Veneta Kuyova - Thursday, 1 February 2018, 5:46 PM


This good practice catalogue is one of the outputs of raising awareness and corporate employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Turkey Project. RACE Project is a Leonardo Da Vinci-Transfer of Innovation Project.



Guida Elettronica per Una Reale Integrazione dei Lavoratori con Disibilita'

by Veneta Kuyova - Friday, 2 February 2018, 5:09 PM


Questa Guida stabilisce delle linee guida utilizzabili per i datori di lavoro interessati ad assumere persone disabili. Essa illustra tutto ciò che i datori di lavoro devono affrontare per conoscere meglio e coinvolgere in modo produttivo le persone con disabilità nelle loro aziende.




Individual Actions Plan

by Admin EASPD - Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 11:56 AM


This doucment is  a template for: Individual Actions Plan of a client - Plan Work placement analysis by a client.



İyi Uygulamar Katalogu

by Veneta Kuyova - Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 4:53 PM


Bu doküman, proje kapsamında AB’nde engelli istihdamı konusunda belirlenmis en iyi uygulamaların yer aldıgı ve Ingilizce olarak hazırlanmıs En Iyi Uygulamalar Kitapçıgı’nda bulunan 15 iyi uygulama arasından seçilmis ve Türkçe’ye çevrilmis iyi uygulamalardan olusmaktadır.


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