Early Intervention
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A |
A Science-Based Framework for Early Childhood Policy | ||||
Description This paper presents a unified framework that can guide priorities for science-based early childhood policies and practices that are grounded in a combination of cutting-edge neuroscience, developmental-behavioral research, and program evaluation in order to inform both public and private sector investment in young children and their families.Reference http://developingchild.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Policy_Framework.pdf | ||||
C |
Compendium of Promising Practices to Ensure that Children under the Age of Three Grow up in a Safe and Supportive Family Environment | ||||
Description Based on the commitment of UNICEF to help countries across Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) this Compedium was compiled. This Compendium of promising practices to ensure that children under the age of three grow up in a safe and supportive family environment is a compilation of the most encouraging initiatives in the area of prevention of child abandonment and relinquishment that have been implemented and tested in the region. Reference here | ||||
D |
DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education | ||||
Description The DEC Recommended Practices were developed to provide guidance to practitioners and families about the most effective ways to improve the learning outcomes and promote the development of young children, birth through five years of age, who have or are at-risk for developmental delays or disabilities. The purpose of this document is to help bridge the gap between research and practice by highlighting those practices that have been shown to result in better outcomes for young children with disabilities, their families, and the personnel who serve them. The DEC Recommended Practices support children’s access and participation in inclusive settings and natural environments and address cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity. They also identify key leadership responsibilities associated with the implementation of these practices. Reference https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/styles/iidc/defiles/ECC/DEC_RPs_%205-1-14.pdf | ||||
E |
Early Childhood Development and Disability in Ukraine | ||||
Description The study provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the situation around ECD and disability in Ukraine. A group of local and international experts in the field of Early Childhood Intervention and Disability have put together and analysed the data regarding existing system of services for children with special needs. This document presents the regulatory framework and good practices and provides further recommendations with regard to the development of services and programs for young children with special needs. Reference https://www.softtulip.nl/downloads2016/20141106_ReportDevDisUkrain.pdf | ||||
Early Childhood Development and Disability: A Discussion Paper | ||||
Description This discussion paper provides a brief overview of issues pertaining to early childhood development (ECD) and disability. It lays the foundation for a long-term strategic and collaborative process aimed at improving the developmental outcomes, participation and protection of young children with disabilities. Essential to this effort is dialogue between United Nations agencies and relevant stakeholders to identify sustainable strategies which build on existing efforts, and expand on multisectoral approaches to guarantee the rights of young children with disabilities and their families. Reference http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/75355/1/9789241504065_eng.pdf | ||||
Early Childhood Education and Care Systems in Europe 2014-2015 | ||||
Description This Eurydice report provides early childhood education and care national information sheets. These sheets and the comparative analysis in Chapter 1 of the Eurydice background report Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems 2015 are complementary products that together aim to reveal the current situation of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) policies in Europe.Reference http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/thematic_reports/191EN.pdf | ||||
Early Intervention in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Republic of FYROM | ||||
Description The aim of this research is to gain the opinion of the parents of children with ASD in the Republic of FYROM concerning the early intervention programs which are currently being conducted. Reference | ||||
EASPD Statement on Early Childhood Intervention | ||||
Description This handbook presents EASPD's recommendation on Early Childhood Intervention Service. Its aims is to support families and significant caregivers as mediators for their children's acquisition of competences within natural environments, enabling children and their families to meaningfully participate and support their development during their daily routines. Reference | ||||
Educaţia Pentru Formarea Deprinderilor de Viaţă | ||||
Description This is a guide for specialists working with children with disabilities. This publication presents several aspects in life skills training for children and young people with disabilities. Reference | ||||
Exploring Parental Relationship Support | ||||
Description This study forms part of a programme of work EIF carried out in partnership with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) exploring the extent and nature of UK service provision on inter-parental relationships (IPR), with a particular focus on families either in or at risk of poverty. This programme of work, involved three inter-related strands to begin to map and better understand current IPR provision in the UK, including: a rapid evidence assessment of existing literature; a small-scale audit of a sample of relationship support provision; qualitative case study research in five local authority areas. Reference http://www.eif.org.uk/publication/exploring-parental-relationship-support-a-qualitative-study/ | ||||
I |
ICF-CY MedUse On the Job Learning by using ICF-CY in Social Paediatrics | ||||
Description IICF-CY-MedUse is a European project within the frame of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships that focuses on increasing knowledge and usage of the ICF-CY within Social Pediatric care and Early Childhood Intervention Services. The international Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, WHO 2001) is a classification system used to describe impairments, limitations but also facilitators/abilities of persons with disabilities providing a common language for professionals in multisectors (MD, nurses, therapists, psychologists, educators, EQF 4-8). Reference Web page of the project: https://www.icfcy-meduse.eu/ | ||||
Incidental teaching | ||||
Description Incidental teaching is a method used for children with disabilities. Incidental teaching is a way to use the child's interest to encourage him to say or do something. By using the incidental teaching the children can learn in a natural environment. The motivation of children is very important because it is the main characteristic of this type of learning. Incidental teaching needs time and engagement from the therapist. This kind of learning can be taught by qualified person and also by the parents that were trained to create many learning opportunities in the children’s natural environment. | ||||
Investing Against Evidence the Global State of Early Childhood Care and Education | ||||
Description Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is unambiguously a key concern for education stakeholders. It is a critical starting point in realizing equitable, quality education and lifelong learning – an aspiration framing the post-2015 global education agenda. This book features these and other lessons from research and experience from different continents. Its thematic orientation addressing investment rationales, equity and quality reflects that of the World Conference on ECCE. Reference http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002335/233558E.pdf | ||||
K |
Key Principles of Early Intervention and Effective Practices: A Crosswalk with Statements from Discipline Specific Literature | ||||
Description This document highlights how position statements, resources and literature of various professions working in early intervention support the early intervention key principles and reflect how these professions’ services align with high quality early intervention practices. It is intended to promote dialogue within the early childhood community about the key principles and provision of high quality early intervention services, which each profession provides within their profession’s scope of practice. Reference http://ectacenter.org/~pdfs/topics/eiservices/KeyPrinciplesMatrix_01_30_15.pdf | ||||
L |
La Realidad Actual de la Atención Temprana en España | ||||
Description This article aims to show the reality of early intervention in Spain. Reference http://sid.usal.es/idocs/F8/FDO26068/Atencion%20Temprana.pdf | ||||
Language as a Child Well-being Indicator | ||||
Description Early language acquisition has an impact on each aspect of young children’s non-physical development. It contributes to their ability to manage emotions and communicate feelings, to establish and maintain relationships, to think symbolically, and to learn to read and write.The UK prevalence rate for early language difficulties is between 5% and 8% of all children, and over 20% for those growing up in low-income households. The high prevalence among disadvantaged children is thought to contribute to the achievement gap that exists by the time children enter school and continues until they leave. Reference http://www.eif.org.uk/publication/language-as-a-child-wellbeing-indicator/ | ||||
M |
Mapping the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child | ||||
Description This interactive document aims to encourage an in-depth and broad-based exploration of the links and synergies between the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Reference https://www.unicef.org/agenda2030/files/SDG-CRC_mapping_FINAL.pdf | ||||
Memorandum of Understanding on the Creation of a National Policy Platform to Develop Early Childhood Intervention in Ukriane | ||||
Description The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is the creation of a Platform to begin a dialogue and define the authority and actions of the Parties on the nonexclusive basis, in regards to the formulation and implementation of government policy in Ukraine, that will introduce and develop a system of early intervention aimed at helping young children with the developmental delays or risk of such problems, focused on supporting parents or legal representatives of children and ensuring the best interests of the child. Reference https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Wyk-mFRiVHdnEzaDIyOXUxWkk/view | ||||
Modele de Buna Practica in Cazul Anuntului Diagnosticului de Sindrom Down | ||||
Description In every family, the arrival of a child in the world is an expected moment and filled with a lot of emotion. For 9 months, the parents discuss and make plans for the new born child. If the child is born with a disability or Down Syndrome, parents feel that the world is crashing around them. Because it is a diagnosis that can be putted at birth or in the first days of life, the professionals play a very important role in announcing and discussing with parents their child's disability. Medical staff must be open and available to provide sufficient information to parents to understand the child's diagnosis and to guide them to other specialized institutions dealing with the disability. Reference | ||||
R |
Report Argues for 'Big Bet' on Early Childhood Development | ||||
Description The report focuses on two research-centered strategies. Firslty on supporting greater understanding of how to effectively link early childhood development diagnostics with the right suite of programs, services, and interventions. Secondly on seeding the market for technology-enabled tools that can increase effectiveness of adult-child interactions. Reference http://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/report-argues-for-big-bet-on-early-childhood-development | ||||
Rethinking Early Childhood Intervention Services: Implications for Policy and Practice | ||||
Description Drawing on a recent major literature review of early childhood intervention services, this paper examines the aims and rationale for early childhood intervention services, and what is known about effective practice. Reference http://www.rch.org.au/uploadedFiles/Main/Content/ccch/profdev/ECIA_National_Conference_2012.pdf | ||||
RRCP Key Principles of Early Intervention and Effective Practices | ||||
Description This document provides a crosswalk that illustrates effective early intervention practices and relevant statements from disciplines providing early intervention services. It highlights how position statements, resources and literature of various professions working in early intervention supports the early intervention key principles and reflects how these professions’ services align with high quality early intervention practices. Reference http://ectacenter.org/~pdfs/topics/eiservices/KeyPrinciplesMatrix_01_30_15.pdf | ||||
S |
Study of Early Education and Development (SEED): Meeting the Needs of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the Early Years | ||||
Description This report presents the findings of a qualitative study exploring the experiences of children aged three to four with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) attending group early years settings, undertaken as part of the Study of Early Education and Development (SEED). Reference | ||||
T |
The Cost of Late Intervention: EIF Analysis of 2016 | ||||
Description This technical report accompanies the EIF report: The cost of late intervention: EIF analysis 2016.1 That report provides updated estimates of how much is spent by the state in England and Wales each year in the short‐run on ‘late intervention’: a range of acute or statutory services that are required when children and young people experience significant difficulties in life, as well as other support they may draw upon such as welfare benefits. Reference https://www.eif.org.uk/report/the-cost-of-late-intervention-eif-analysis-2016/ | ||||
The Science of Early Childhood Development | ||||
Description This paper presents a unified framework that can guide priorities for science-based early childhood policies and practices that are grounded in a combination of cutting-edge neuroscience, developmental-behavioral research, and program evaluation in order to inform both public and private sector investment in young children and their families. Reference | ||||
The Tunyogi Game Therapy | ||||
Description The TUNYOGI GAME THERAPY (TGT) is an early intervention program for infants and children with damaged central nervous systems and genetic disorders. It is applied by the therapists in close cooperation with the parents. This multidisciplinary method builds on a medical, pedagogical and psychological knowledgebase. Reference http://www.easpd.eu/en/content/have-you-ever-heard-about-tunyogi-game-therapy | ||||
Therapies and Activities Asisted by Pets, Bucarest | ||||
Description The aim of the project is to educate people with disabilities through therapy with dogs. Those dogs are specially trained to work with people with disabilities. Our beneficiaries worked some exercises with the dogs, they teached the dogs how to count and also learned some special tricks. Reference | ||||
U |
UNESCO Investing Against Evidence-A Global State of Early Childhood Care and Education | ||||
Description Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is unambiguously a key concern for education stakeholders. It is a critical starting point in realizing equitable, quality education and lifelong learning – an aspiration framing the post-2015 global education agenda. This book features these and other lessons from research and experience from different continents. Its thematic orientation addressing investment rationales, equity and quality reflects that of the World Conference on ECCE. Reference http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002335/233558E.pdf | ||||
W |
WHO and UNICEF Early Childhood Development and Disability-Discussion Paper | ||||
Description This discussion paper provides a brief overview of issues pertaining to early childhood development (ECD) and disability. It lays the foundation for a long-term strategic and collaborative process aimed at improving the developmental outcomes, participation and protection of young children with disabilities. Reference http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/75355/1/9789241504065_eng.pdf | ||||
Z |
Zero Project Analysis | ||||
Description The “Zero Project Analysis” is a project run by EASPD and the Zero Project aiming to explore solutions, identify models and practices to facilitate the change in the disability field towards the respect of the principles and values of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). Reference http://www.easpd.eu/en/content/zero-project-analysis-social-innovations-early-childhood-intervention | ||||
Zero Project Analysis: Social Innovations in Early Childhood Intervention. | ||||
Description This first edition of the Zero Project Analysis covers eight outstanding Innovative Practices on Early Childhood Intervention, with a focus on Central and Eastern European countries. Reference https://www.easpd.eu/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/zp_analysis_edition01_barrierfree.pdf | ||||