Welcome to the B-WISE MOOC for Workers with Support Needs. 

A MOOC is an online learning course, that you can do on your own, or with the help of a supporter.

This MOOC is for you if you are a person working in a Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE) who has the support of a job coach or a mentor, or if you are on a supported employment scheme.

This MOOC wants to give you new skills you can use in your job, so you feel confident in your abilities.

The MOOC is based off a learning programme called the B-WISE training cirricula. 

It was also made as part of the project and was tested in a number of European countries. 

The MOOC consists of this onboarding video, one core module of the MOOC, and a question bank.

The MOOC does not have all the curricula, instead it contains sections of one of the core modules.

The core module is called, “Networking and Communications.”

You can access the module by clicking on this section.

You can use the menu on the left hand side to go through the sections, or you can click on each section on the main page.

Please note that not all sub-units included in the curriculum are included in the MOOC, instead it is a selection from the module.

We chose these sections because they would work well for online learning, and you can improve your digital skills while you are doing the course.

The question bank contains questions developed from content from all the sub-units in the curriculum, not just those included in the MOOC.

These are different questions from those included in the module above.