Monday, 20 January 2025, 9:08 AM
Glossary: Early Intervention

ICF-CY MedUse On the Job Learning by using ICF-CY in Social Paediatrics

by Admin EASPD - Thursday, 11 April 2019, 3:26 PM


IICF-CY-MedUse is a European project within the frame of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships that focuses on increasing knowledge and usage of the ICF-CY within Social Pediatric care and Early Childhood Intervention Services. The international Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, WHO 2001) is a classification system used to describe impairments, limitations but also facilitators/abilities of persons with disabilities providing a common language for professionals in multisectors (MD, nurses, therapists, psychologists, educators, EQF 4-8).


Web page of the project:


Incidental teaching

by Admin EASPD - Friday, 2 February 2018, 5:09 PM


Incidental teaching is a method used for children with disabilities. Incidental teaching is a way to use the child's interest to encourage him to say or do something. By using the incidental teaching the children can learn in a natural environment. The motivation of children is very important because it is the main characteristic of this type of learning. Incidental teaching needs time and engagement from the therapist. This kind of learning can be taught by qualified person and also by the parents that were trained to create many learning opportunities in the children’s natural environment.


Investing Against Evidence the Global State of Early Childhood Care and Education

by Veneta Kuyova - Thursday, 8 February 2018, 4:41 PM


Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is unambiguously a key concern for education stakeholders. It is a critical starting point in realizing equitable, quality education and lifelong learning – an aspiration framing the post-2015 global education agenda. This book features these and other lessons from research and experience from different continents. Its thematic orientation addressing investment rationales, equity and quality reflects that of the World Conference on ECCE.
