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Easy Read Toolkit on how to participate in Adult Arts Education

by Admin EASPD - Monday, 3 February 2020, 5:05 PM

This Easy Read Toolkit was developed by the Creative Inclusion in Adult Education (CIAE) project and is intended for persons with an intellectual disability to help them access and participate in Adult Arts Education. 

The toolkit includes useful tools, stories and examples from people in the arts and disability sector as well as a 'Know your Rights'  section available in easy to read.



European Ethical Charter for Equal Access to Art Education and the Public Market of Art and Culture for Persons with Intellectual and/or Mental Disabilities

by Veneta Kuyova - Thursday, 1 February 2018, 4:58 PM


This Charter is intended for art facilitators working in medical, social and psychiatric institutions. It contains ethical values and principles to apply in their artistic mediation work. For the purpose of this Charter, the term “user” will be used as a synonym for persons with intellectual and/or mental disabilities.



European Glossary Art and Disability Art for All

by Veneta Kuyova - Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 10:53 AM


In the framework of the Art for All project, the project partners therefore wanted to agree on the definition of a certain number of words that are usually used in the area of access to art for people with intellectual disabilities. This European Glossary is first of all intended for professionals in the field of art, working with people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities.



Everyday practices of exclusion/inclusion: women who have an intellectual disability speaking for themselves?

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This article discusses a small in-depth research study with five women who have an intellectual disability.


Extending our vision: Access to inclusive dance education for people with visual impairment.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This article addresses the societal disabilities that handicap access to dance education for the blind. Although much of traditional dance instruction relies upon visual cuing and modeling, evidence suggests that dance can be successfully taught to blind students by integrating verbal and tactile modes of instruction.