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Raport Privind Monitorizarea Drepturilor Persoanelor cu Dizabilitati in

par Admin EASPD, jeudi 11 avril 2019, 17:24


The present Report has as its main aim monitoring of legislation, policies and programs related to the observance of human rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova in the context of ratification by the Republic of Moldova of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted as of December 13, 2006.



Reaching out EASPD Strategic Choices 2014-2017: Building an Inclusive Society

par Veneta Kuyova, lundi 12 février 2018, 14:33


This document introduces new EASPD's focus on further reaching out persons with disabilities, its members and allies, as well as other stakeholders such as the European institutions. The strategic decisions and measures will also be converted into concrete actions in EASPD's annual action plans for 2014 to 2017.



Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba Texto Refundido de la Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social.

par Admin EASPD, jeudi 11 avril 2019, 10:44


This document presents the main Spanish Law focusing on the rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.



Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de Noviembre, por el Que se Aprueba Texto Refundido de la Ley General de Derechos de Las Personas con Discapacidad y de su Inclusión Social

par Admin EASPD, vendredi 12 avril 2019, 10:06

This document presents the Spanish law that protects the rights of people with disabilities and promotes their social inclusion.


Reasonable Accommodation and Sheltered Workshops for People with Disabilities: Costs and Returns of Investments

par Veneta Kuyova, lundi 12 février 2018, 14:49


This study provides an overview of the policy measures in place to encourage and support the employment of people with disabilities and in particular: sheltered workshops; reasonable accommodations; alternative labour market policies. It provides information on developments on costs and returns of investment for these measures, detailed descriptions of the situation in six Member States (Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and an economic analysis of selected measures. 



Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance

par Veneta Kuyova, lundi 12 février 2018, 14:58


The Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance (ROFA) is an alliance of Disabled People and their organisations ’s (DPOs) in England who have joined together to defend disabled people’s rights and campaign for an inclusive society. ROFA fights for equality for disabled people in England and works with sister organisations across the UK in the tradition of the international disability movement. 



Recommendations to the EU Leaders "Nine Principles to Achieve Quality Social and Health Services"

par Veneta Kuyova, lundi 12 février 2018, 15:05


This publication outlines the Social Platform’s recommendations to the EU leaders on quality social and health services. It first discusses the current state of play regarding social and health services, then the preconditions necessary to achieve quality. There is an optimal methodology to reach this goal, and lastly the nine principles required for quality social and health services.



Report on the Implementation of the UN CRPD by the European Union

par Veneta Kuyova, lundi 12 février 2018, 15:47


This is a report on the Implementation of the UNCRPD and it covers the period from the entry into force of the  UNCRPD for the EU in January 2011 to December 2013.



Report on the UN Concluding Observations on the EU Report on the Implementation of the CRPD

par Admin EASPD, mardi 23 avril 2019, 16:18


This report aims at giving EASPD’s inputs on the Concluding Observations of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the EU report on the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities.



Review of Crowdfunding Regulation

par Veneta Kuyova, mercredi 14 février 2018, 10:12


Interpretation of existing regulation concerning crowdfunding in Europe, North America and Israel.
