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An inclusive arts-mediated program for children with and without disabilities: Establishing community and an environment for child development through the arts.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:05 PM

This multi-method qualitative study examined the culture, intentional design, and features of a 30-year inclusive arts-mediated summer program called Spiral Garden.


Art for All: European Guide of Good Practices

by Admin EASPD - Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 10:58 AM


This report aims to extend the access to art for persons with disabilities created on the context of the Art for All project.



Career and community studies: An inclusive liberal arts programme for youth with intellectual disabilities

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This paper describes the experiences of three college faculty, who designed inclusive courses for youth with Intellectual Disabilities, grounded in liberal learning, at a mid-sized four-year college, in New Jersey.


Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, Meeting within the Council, on the Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014

by Veneta Kuyova - Friday, 5 January 2018, 12:57 PM


This document presents the Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on the Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014.



Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 26 February 2018, 12:14 PM


The Convention recognises the rights of Parties to take measures to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, and impose obligations at both domestic and international levels on Parties.



Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol

by Veneta Kuyova - Friday, 5 January 2018, 3:15 PM


The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is an international human rights treaty of the United Nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Parties to the Convention are required to promote, protect, and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that they enjoy full equality under the law.



Council Conclusions on Cultural Governance

by Veneta Kuyova - Friday, 5 January 2018, 3:33 PM


The document presents the Council conclusions on Cultural Governance.



Council Resolution on Accessibility of Cultural Infrastructure and Cultural Activities for People with Disabilities

by Admin EASPD - Friday, 12 April 2019, 11:38 AM

This document, published in 2003, presents the Council resolution on the accessibility of cultural infrastructure and cultural activities for people with disabilities.


Cultural Statistics

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 8 January 2018, 9:52 AM


This second edition of the ‘Cultural statistics’ pocketbook presents  comparable data on culture available in the EU-27, EFTA and candidate countries. It comprises data on cultural heritage, the economic situation in cultural sectors, employment in cultural sectors and occupations, external trade in cultural goods, cultural participation and household expenditure on culture.




Disability arts and culture as public pedagogy

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This article considers the implications of a disability arts, culture and scholarship series ‘The Unruly Salon’, undertaken at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver in Canada, which ran from January to March 2008.  


Disability rights, music and the case for inclusive education

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

Participation in music is both a human right and a disability right. Music is a human need in the Darwinian (not Social Darwinian) evolutionary sense. Similarly, inclusion is an evolved capacity, beneficial to human perpetuation.


Dispelling stereotypes: promoting disability equality through film.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This paper promotes disability equality through the use of film. 


Draft Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Government Work Plan for Culture

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 8 January 2018, 12:19 PM


This  document presents the conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council in the framework of a Work Plan for Culture (2015 - 2018).




Easy Read Toolkit on how to participate in Adult Arts Education

by Admin EASPD - Monday, 3 February 2020, 5:05 PM

This Easy Read Toolkit was developed by the Creative Inclusion in Adult Education (CIAE) project and is intended for persons with an intellectual disability to help them access and participate in Adult Arts Education. 

The toolkit includes useful tools, stories and examples from people in the arts and disability sector as well as a 'Know your Rights'  section available in easy to read.



European Ethical Charter for Equal Access to Art Education and the Public Market of Art and Culture for Persons with Intellectual and/or Mental Disabilities

by Veneta Kuyova - Thursday, 1 February 2018, 4:58 PM


This Charter is intended for art facilitators working in medical, social and psychiatric institutions. It contains ethical values and principles to apply in their artistic mediation work. For the purpose of this Charter, the term “user” will be used as a synonym for persons with intellectual and/or mental disabilities.



European Glossary Art and Disability Art for All

by Veneta Kuyova - Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 10:53 AM


In the framework of the Art for All project, the project partners therefore wanted to agree on the definition of a certain number of words that are usually used in the area of access to art for people with intellectual disabilities. This European Glossary is first of all intended for professionals in the field of art, working with people with mental and/or intellectual disabilities.



Everyday practices of exclusion/inclusion: women who have an intellectual disability speaking for themselves?

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This article discusses a small in-depth research study with five women who have an intellectual disability.


Extending our vision: Access to inclusive dance education for people with visual impairment.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This article addresses the societal disabilities that handicap access to dance education for the blind. Although much of traditional dance instruction relies upon visual cuing and modeling, evidence suggests that dance can be successfully taught to blind students by integrating verbal and tactile modes of instruction.



Increasing disability awareness through comics literature.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

This article discusses strategies for educating students about disability and disability issues with the help of comics literature.



Measuring Cultural Participation

by Veneta Kuyova - Friday, 9 February 2018, 3:07 PM


This handbook provides a state-of-the-art reference guide for the measurement of cultural participation and consumption, with particular attention to its feasibility in developing countries. It includes and comments on examples from national and international case studies.  



Measuring the Economic Contribution of Cultural Industries

by Veneta Kuyova - Friday, 9 February 2018, 5:24 PM


This is a review and assessment of current methodological approaches on economic contribution of cultural industries.




Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council - establishing the Creative Europe Programme

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 12 February 2018, 3:11 PM


The document presents the Regulation (EU) No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020) and repealing Decisions No 1718/2006/EC, No 1855/2006/EC and No 1041/2009/EC.



Report on the Implementation and Relevance of the Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 12 February 2018, 3:41 PM


This report first looks at progress made in implementing the work plan’s six sectorial priority areas through the working methods foreseen by the Council, such as the open method of coordination (OMC). Then, drawing on an independent evaluation that assessed the OMC as a tool for implementing the Agenda for Culture and contributions submitted by EU Member States to a 2014 Commission survey, the report presents the lessons learnt regarding the relevance of the work plan and its instruments. The final chapter makes recommendations for the steps to take regarding the content and working methods of the next Work Plan for Culture beyond 2014.  




Strategic Planning for an Inclusive Community Arts Center for Adults with Developmental Disabilities.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

The Oregon Supported Living Program (OSLP) is a private, nonprofit organization that works with adults with disabilities offering support services in group homes, supported living, and vocational training.



The inclusive world of music: Students with disabilities and multiculturalism

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

The Tanglewood and Housewright Symposia concluded that music programs should include music from other cultures, as well as teach students of all abilities.


The Meanings in Making: Openness, Technology and Inclusive Music Practices for People with Disabilities

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

Digital musical instruments and interfaces can be designed to enable people with disabilities to participate in creative music-making.


The Story about Theater Organizations, the Public's Approval, and the Actors' Identity Formation in Nordic Disability Theater

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

Nordic disability theater is a relatively new and interesting field of disability research. In this article, the authors provide an overview of the field of disability theater in a Nordic context.



Voices: an inclusive choir in Dortmund, Germany.

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

The article describes the concept and work with an inclusive choir, in which students of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at TU Dortmund University sing together with adult mentally challenged people. The choir ‘Voices’ was founded in 2010, as a part of the project Dortmunder Modell: Musik.



Welcoming art lovers with disabilities

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York held its first public exhibition of original art made in its “Seeing Through Drawing” classes.


When Something is Different People Fear It’: Children’s Perceptions of an Arts Based Inclusion Project

by Sydney Von Ihering - Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:10 PM

In this article Teresa Whitehurst and Amy Howells describe how pupils and staff from mainstream and special settings worked together on a project, resulting in a musical performance. 


Work plan for culture - a report on policies and good practices

by Veneta Kuyova - Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 4:15 PM


Report on the role of public arts and cultural institutions in the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

Report date 



European Commission





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