Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 6:32 AM
Glossary: Horizontal Issues

EASPD Booklet: The Service Providers' Role as Human Rights Enablers in Times of Crisis

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 8 January 2018, 1:58 PM


This booklet starts with a comparative analysis of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS). The comparision shows that whilst the role of social and health services for disabled persons is clearly stated in the UNCRPD, while is less clear in the EDS. The second chapter of this booklet, “Inclusion is the solution, not the enemy, EASPD Survey on the impact of the crisis on the disability sector”, is the result of a survey on the impact of the financial and economic crisis on the disability sector.




EASPD Déclaration sur l’Emploi

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 8 January 2018, 1:15 PM


L'EASPD a officiellement adopté une Déclaration sur l'Emploi. Celle-ci présente les points de vue des prestataires européens de services pour les personnes en situation de handicap sur quelles mesures et actions sont nécessaires pour la bonne mise en pratique de l'article 27 de la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CDPH) de l'ONU.




EASPD Deklaration zur Beschäftigung

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 8 January 2018, 1:59 PM


Das Grundrecht von Menschen mit Behinderungen auf Arbeit auf gleicher Grundlage wie andere Menschen ist in Artikel 27 des Übereinkommens über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen der Vereinten Nationen (UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention, UN-BRK) klar definiert. EASPD setzt sich für die Verwirklichung dieser Rechte ein, ist sich aber auch der erheblichen Herausforderungen bewusst, die ihre Umsetzung erschweren. Menschen mit Behinderungen sind auf dem Arbeitsmarkt aufgrund gesellschaftlicher Barrieren strukturell benachteiligt. Ihre Erwerbsbeteiligung ist erheblich geringer als die von Menschen ohne Behinderungen, und diese Situation hat sich in den letzten 15 Jahren nicht verbessert. Der anhaltenden Unterbeschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderungen muss mit sofortigen Maßnahmen begegnet werden, um diese Ausgrenzung vom Arbeitsmarkt zu beenden. Dabei sind positive unterstützende Maßnahmen entscheidend, um das vorhandene Erwerbspotenzial zu erschließen und die Aufmerksamkeit von der Behinderung auf Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen zu richten.




EASPD Employment Declaration

by Veneta Kuyova - Monday, 8 January 2018, 1:03 PM


This Declaration represents EASPD’s commitment to strive for improved labour market participation, to reach out to all relevant actors, such as Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), civil society stakeholders, policy makers, trade unions and the business world, and to ensure the needs and human rights of persons with disabilities are fully taken into consideration.




EASPD Review of the European Disability Strategy

by Admin EASPD - Friday, 26 April 2019, 11:27 AM


This report reviews the extent to which the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 has assisted disability service providers to enable the full implementation of the UN CRPD.




EASPD Salzburg Education Declaration: Towards More Inclusive Learning Environments in Europe

by Veneta Kuyova - Thursday, 18 January 2018, 11:49 AM


This document represents EASPD's declaration on inclusive education and its recommendations for: national and regional policy makers, education providers, teachers trainees and staff.




Easy Read Joint Declaration: “Developing Together the Support of Tomorrow”

by Admin EASPD - Friday, 19 April 2019, 4:09 PM


This document is a joint agreement on "Making support services better in the future". This Easy Read document addresses a wide audience on the topic of the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society. It also explains the UNCRPD articles most relevant to support services.


Click here.


EESC Opinion - Concluding Observations of the UN CRPD Committee to the European Union – A New Strategy for Persons with Disabilities in the European Union

by Admin EASPD - Thursday, 9 May 2019, 2:53 PM


This paper presents a new strategy for persons with disabilities in the European Union. The European Economic and Social Committee calls on the European Commission to undertake a cross-cutting and comprehensive review of EU legislations, policies and programmes for a more inclusive EU for persons with disabilities.





by Admin EASPD - Friday, 16 November 2018, 2:19 PM

The objective of the European Mentoring in Social Care (EMiSC) training material is to create a ‘common foundation’ in social care training across the EU, so that all EU care services are based on UNCRPD principles and provided by staff that understand and follow these principles. The goal is to support first line staff members in social care by setting up mentoring programme and giving mentoring support via a well-trained mentor to every newcomer or staff member in need of some “refreshment” training.  The training material is available in 8 languages and exists mainly of a formal curriculum, a mentor training course, a train the training course and a mentoring assessment tool, to assess the mentors. The training material was the result of the EC Erasmus+ KA2 funded 3-year project EMiSC (2015-2018). This is the EMISC training material in Bulgarian.



by Admin EASPD - Friday, 16 November 2018, 2:18 PM

The objective of the European Mentoring in Social Care (EMiSC) training material is to create a ‘common foundation’ in social care training across the EU, so that all EU care services are based on UNCRPD principles and provided by staff that understand and follow these principles. The goal is to support first line staff members in social care by setting up mentoring programme and giving mentoring support via a well-trained mentor to every newcomer or staff member in need of some “refreshment” training.  The training material is available in 8 languages and exists mainly of a formal curriculum, a mentor training course, a train the training course and a mentoring assessment tool, to assess the mentors. The training material was the result of the EC Erasmus+ KA2 funded 3-year project EMiSC (2015-2018). This is the EMISC training from Cyprus.